
Endorsed by Local Leaders, Organizations and Voters

  • Utah Education Association PAC

    Utah Education Association

    Utah Education Association Political Action Committee endorses Jason Allen for State Board of Education District 12.

  • Alpine Education Association

    Alpine Education Association Political Action Committee and AEA Board of Directors approve Jason Allen as a recommended candidate for State Board of Education District 12 in the upcoming election.

  • Utah Parents for Teachers

    Utah Parents for Teachers endorses Jason Allen for State Board of Education District 12. We are proud to endorse candidates that make our students, teachers and parents a priority. When you support teachers - students thrive!

  • Jim Evans - Former Orem Mayor

    As a former mayor of Orem, I am pleased to endorse Jason Allen for the Utah State Board of Education. He possesses the leadership skills and vision needed to drive meaningful improvements in our schools. Jason Allen's commitment to enhancing educational quality and fostering community collaboration makes him an outstanding choice for ensuring our students receive the best possible education.

  • Equality Utah PAC Endorses Jason Allen

    Equality Utah

    Equality Utah Political Action Committee endorses Jason Allen for State Board of Education District 12

  • Kate Ross - Principle of Oak Canyon Junior High

    I endorse Jason Allen for Utah State Board of Education as a non-partisan voice for all students.

  • Utah United Party

    We are honored to endorse these independent candidates. They are excellent, mainstream candidates who have been actively involved in the community for years and whose policy objectives are consistent with the 5E’s of the United Utah Party: Economy, Education, Environment, Equality and Ethical Government.

  • Tom & Kaye Macdonald

    Jason is committed do all he can to improve education for all of the students in the state. Please join us in supporting him in these efforts.

  • Jason & Teri Bench

    We are pleased to endorse Jason Allen for the Utah State Board of Education, highlighting his exceptinal ability to listen and understand all sides of an issue. Jason Allen consistently demostrates a deep commitment to engaging with diverse perspectives, ensuring that every voice in our community is heard and valued. This balanced approach makes him uniquely qualified to address complex challenges and foster effective solutions that benefit all stakeholders in our state.

  • Mark Clement - Alpine School District School Board

    We need someone like Jason who will build education, not tear it down.

  • Alyssa May

    Jason's demeanor and attitude are exactly what we need for the State School Board. He will carefully look at data, listen to all voices, and make sound decisions for our students and educators.

  • Michelle Ormond

    I am endorsing Jason because I know Cole Kelly and have worked with him for over 20 years. He is not fit to represent teachers on the school board and I believe Jason aligns better with what I value about public education.

  • Lisa Brewer

    We need clear representation by someone who will listen to their constituents. Jason understands the needs of special education and mainstream education from personal experience.

  • Lindsey Ramage

    He understands the needs of families in Utah, especially those with special needs children.

  • Michele Sorensen

    I am endorsing Jason Allen because his goal is to take politics out of educating our children. His interest is in developing strong curriculums and policy to protect public education.

  • Cathy Ambrose

    It’s important to me to have someone on the school board who supports public education and believes in practices that help children feel safe.

  • Lisa McArthur

    As a teacher, I appreciate Jason’s common sense, moderate approach and support of public education.

  • Heather Clark

    Jason Allen is everything we need for our school district!!! :)

  • Kohl Ludwig

    We need people who care about what they are doing not just one that throws out hot topic words to just get people to vote for their extremist ways.

  • Amy Seastrand

    I know Jason to be kind and a strong leader. Not extreme. Holds his ground but also listens. You can easily tell that he’s a good person who will stand up for teachers and value public education. His opponent doesn’t even like public education but wants to be involved in it. Jason is honest and he cares.

  • Elizabeth Ludwig

    He will work to promote unity between teachers, students, and parents. He has students at the focus and knows we can best help them when we work together.

  • Rachelle Sackett

    I would like to support someone who is rational and supports public education and educators.

Voters from District 12 who Endorse Jason Allen for State School Board

Matt and Cissy Rasmussen

Kara and Clint Edwards

Tricia Bunderson

Keiko Bickmore

Esther Pliego

Frank Brannan

Cora Rowley

Wendee Stevens

Joseph Fisch

Ariane Newell

Daniel Hendry

Teri Bench

Cindy Clark

Megan McClanahan

Vicki McKay

Leslie Randle

Brooke Wilde

Rachel Adams

Claudia Hill

Diane Gardner

Dallas Helquist

Darla Willmore

Sharlee Largey

Chuck and Jerri Bearce

Christa Nava

Brie Milton

Tracy McMillan

Audra Packham

Matt and Anna Greene

Christopher Green

Brian and Amy Poole

Jennilyn Mauerman

Shellie Dean

Vic Larsen

Want to show your formal support for Jason?

Fill out this form to submit an endorsement. And thank you for your support as we continue to build a world-class educational system in Utah that prepares all students for success